

  1. 答:作文如下:
    ess has a lot of, is not a factor which can decide, so is there no necessary relation between the university education and ess, but the university education and future work on more or less, training the basic skills.
    even advanced mathematics after work is also essential for science and engineering students, the university also trained munication ability, the university itself is munity, so the university life for future career, impact on future ess are high.
  2. 答:成功的因素有很多,不是哪缺判个个因素就能决定的,所以大学教育和成功没有必然联系,但是大学教育多多少少和以后的工凳扮启作有关,训练了基本技能,就算是高等数学对于理工科的学生的以后工作也是必不可少,此外大学里还训练了你的交际能力,大学本身就是一个亚社会,所以大学生活对以后的职业枣如生涯,对以后的成功的影响还是挺大的。
    ess has a lot of, is not a factor which can decide, so is there no necessary relation between the university education and ess, but the university education and future work on more or less, training the basic skills, even advanced mathematics after work is also essential for science and engineering students, the university also trained munication ability, the university itself is munity, so the university life for future career, impact on future ess are high.
  1. 答:Nowadays, many people have access to enjoy college education. When es to college education, we naturally link it with one's future ess. Different people have different opinions about what a role college education plays in the process of someone making ess.
  1. 答:你的意思是:你是250
  2. 答:fdsvdf tg3 v5tfd gewar2dsrssdr vesfar fsaergdeaw desge esdfbswrfsdsdfbfdg 43w6b5 dfhfr
